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Why Do You Say You Want To Lose Weight?
How many of your New Year's resolution start out with "I want to lose x amount of pounds" as if just saying it were some kind of magic mantra. As if the weight would just fall off, in response to the spoken words! Why do we not want to pay the price for anything? Gaining weight is not an overnight effect and it will NOT be reversed overnight. The price of losing weight is choosing a proper diet plan and exercise routine. And it takes discipline and, yes, WILLPOWER! No matter what you do eat, you will always have to say "NO!" to something, sometime. Choices, choices that's life! Our society is becoming one of "it's not my fault" formerly known as "the devil made me do it". Well, let me tell you this, unless you have a physical/medical condition that makes it impossible to lose weight, it is your fault and it is your responsiblilty to lose those unwanted, unhealthy, unsightly and inconvenient pounds. The sooner you start to accept this fact the better you will feel, both physically and emotionally. One of the greatest confidence building tool in our lives, is when we set a goal and achieve it. Some things in our lives are more under our control than others. Losing weight is one of those things. And while, not every diet is suitable for everyone, with the increasing plethora from which to choose , you should certainly be able to find one that fits your needs, lifestyle and personality. So, without further excuses, let's get started taking the steps that will get "losing weight" crossed off next New Year's resolution list! Yvonne offers a variety of choices to help you achieve your healthy weight. Visit her now, at:
Simple Plans for Social Eating and Travel It's one thing to stick with your diet regimen when you're at home, in control of the contents of your refrigerator and your portion sizes. But what about going out to dinner with friends? Worse, how do you stay on track when your dream vacation has you seated by the dessert cart at every meal?Eating right when you're out of your comfort zone can actually be easier than when you are at home, so long as you think smart and plan ahead. Weight Loss Plateaus -- 7 Easy Steps to Overcome It Have you ever experienced this scenario before?"I have successfully lost 15 of the 25 pounds that I want to lose, but now I am stuck at the same weight even though I am faithfully controlling my food intake and doing my exercises. What happened? Is the diet not working anymore?"Yes, many women over 40 start off their weight loss programs full of excitement and determination, and indeed you do see the pounds dropping off over the first few weeks. Get Back Weight Loss Motivation with NLP: Setting an Anchor NLP Setting an Anchor Process to Get Back Motivation for Losing WeightA client recently wrote saying, "When I was losing the weight I felt so good about my exercise and weight loss I actually considered going into the health field. I want to get that [feeling] back!"It can be easier than you think to "get that feeling back. Leaning Toward Lean: Clear Thinking For Better Health(Care) Mindfulness is all about paying attention. It's amazing what can be accomplished when mindfulness is applied to systems that need all the attention they can get. Stop Trusting the Scale--Its Probably Wrong Anyway Have you ever stepped on the scale after a week of "being really good" only to be rewarded with an eye popping four pound gain? Don't despair! Your scale isn't trying to ruin your efforts and it doesn't hate you. True health is measured in many ways, only one of which is your outward appearance, and what you weigh is the least reliable measure of all. Dieting to Death It has been 15 years since I was diagnosed with Bulimia Nervosa and I have been recovered for 12 years. To this day if I head for the washroom after a meal my mother feels the panic start to well up inside of her. Change Your Habits for Effective and Long Term Weight Loss More likely than not a diet with end up a failure. Trust me on this one because, well, I have tried them and failed. Questioning Cardio for Weight Loss? Q: I've heard you mention that you don't need tons of cardio to burn stubborn abdominal fat. Okay, I can live with that, but you've also said that it isn't absolutely necessary to perform direct ab work either. Self-Sabotage Snacking After Gastric Bypass Surgery: Why Do We Do It? LivingAfterWLS reader feedback indicates snacking is the single biggest problem for people after having gastric bypass - the problem being we snack on unhealthy items, we sabotage our weight loss or weight maintenance and we spiral back into the self-loathing that is so much an emotional part of morbid obesity.None of us goes into surgery expecting to be the one "who lost all that weight and put it back on. How You Can Eat Carbs and Still Lose Weight When I decided to lose weight I of course decided to do as much planning as possible. It seems the older I get the harder it is to do anything without completely planning it out. Top 10 Questions and Answers on Atkins Diet 1. What is Atkins Diet? Dr. Weight Loss - Long Term Success Starts In Your Mind Making the Decision:Whether you are interested losing ten pounds that you put on in the last 3 months, or the 50 extra pounds you've had with you since college, the first step is making the decision to change. This step is often the most difficult and may take the longest time. Motivation and Dieting - Whats the Missing Link? If you are like everyone else who has hit rock bottom with their weight struggles, and have declared that this day will be the first day of your diet, then this article is for you.Too often it seems that most dieters jump on the weight loss boat, yet fail to bring along a months pass. Low Carb Diets - Are They For You? The revolution is here. Weight Loss as we know it has changed forever because of one diet. Winning at Post-Partum Weight Loss: Six Simple Strategies for New Moms - Part 3 A healthy pregnancy almost always involves weight gain. But now that baby's here, you're probably wishing those extra pounds would hurry up and disappear! While it won't happen overnight, these six simple tips can help you lose that extra weight in a healthy way. A Personal Trainers...Holidaze Rules of day to day no longer apply as you surrender to the hearts and minds of those closest. Conversation, food and wine are intoxicating. Phentermine Side Effects When you're taking Phentermine, you should go to the emergency room if you experience any of the side effects listed below:I) Allergic Reaction:a. difficulty breathingb. 7 Keys for Reducing Calories While Eating Out Here are seven tips for getting the calories out of restaurant meals while still ordering your favorites.1. If Youre Eating High Protein Be Informed about Mad Cow Finding Mad Cow in Oregon puts a new wrinkle in the high protein diet, doesn't it? What's a person to do that wants to eat more meat, not less? Are you Eating Less Meat Due to Mad Cow Disease? Not the people I've spoken with. Most are saying, "Yipee, beef's on sale!" The food industry has done a great job of convincing us they are providing a safe food supply and we've been lulled into a false sense of security. Lose Fat by Choosing The Best Weight Loss Plan For You Are you sick of the hype? Wondering what diet products really work? The fact is, most of them do. It's simply a matter of finding what works for you. | Domain Is For Sale - $8,500 For Enquiries eMail Us © 2015 |